Why Lume is the Best Whole Body Deodorant For Women During Menopause

- Doctor-developed and safe for all external use
- Controls odor up to 72 hours
- Aluminum-free and baking soda-free
- Rubs in cleanly like a lotion
- Water-based, leaves no residue on skin or clothes
Love It or Leave It: 60-Day Return Window (U.S.)
Lume is Life-Changing!
"As an older woman going through menopause and already an excessive sweater, I have tried every name brand out there… Nothing helped with odor. Applying deodorant multiple times a day, deodorant wipes, nothing. On day 1 of Lume, I had absolutely NO odor... [I] felt fresh and confident all day. This is the best product out there."
– Kimberly

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Menopause: A Natural Transition
Menopause is both the end of an era and a new beginning. It simply marks the time when you have not had a menstrual cycle in more than twelve months. This time of your life can come as a relief and feel like freedom, and it can come with some challenges.
Decreased levels of estrogen are responsible for some changes within your body that you may or may not have already noticed like mood swings, hot flashes, increased sweating, and vaginal dryness. Some of these natural shifts will result in different body odors.
Lume is the best deodorant for controlling odor associated with menopause and our ever-changing bodies because of its superior ability to control odor, and because you can safely use it ANYWHERE you sweat. Lume is a natural solution for a natural dilemma.
Love It or Leave It: 60-Day Return Window (U.S.)
Why Do Body Odors Change With Menopause?
Many women experience hot flashes and night sweats, and increased sweating all over. The cause of hot flashes isn't entirely understood, nor is there a solution for them. But the body's ability to regulate temperature is disrupted by the decrease in hormones, and many experience an intense and sudden burst of heat accompanied by excessive sweating as the body attempts to cool.
Increased anxiety is also normal during menopause. Anxiety or stress sweat smells different than regular sweat because it contains more proteins and fats that bacteria living on your skin absolutely love to devour.
All of these increased opportunities for sweating can lead to increased opportunities for body odor under your arms, breasts, skinfolds, and privates.
A drop in estrogen levels can also cause vaginal dryness. A decrease in vaginal discharge changes the pH and decreases the healthy bacteria in the vagina, which can lead to changes in your normal vaginal odor.
Add to all of that the potential for urinary leaking or incontinence, and you've got pretty ideal conditions for bacteria to thrive.
Love It or Leave It: 60-Day Return Window (U.S.)

Lume Was Developed by a Doctor and Is Safe To Use Anywhere
Lume is safe for all external use. If you sweat there, Lume can go there.
Dr. Shannon Klingman originally developed Lume as a solution for her patients who were frustrated and embarrassed about odor below the belt. Until Lume, the only products available to address these odor concerns simply attempted to cover it up with strong fragrances that drew more attention than the odor itself, and had the potential to cause irritation. They didn't actually address the source of odor or solve the problem. It turns out, most day-to-day odor is actually external, and Lume is an external solution you can use at home.
Lume is unique because it stops odor before it has a chance to start. It was originally developed for private parts- but, as it turns out, it is exceptional at controlling external body odor wherever it happens! Try it on your underarms, underboobs, privates, skin folds, feet, between the cheeks, and wherever else you need it. (Lume works great for men and kids, too.)
If you sweat there, Lume can go there.

For the pits just apply Lume like normal.

For everywhere else, just twist, swipe, and apply like a lotion.
Lume is doctor-developed, and made with skin loving ingredients safe for any external use.
Love It or Leave It: 60-Day Return Window (U.S.)
What Causes Body Odor?
No matter who you are or where you have body odor, it has only one source: bacteria. Bacteria feed on bodily fluids like sweat, urine, discharge, and semen, and the byproduct of their digested feast is odor. As menopausal women, it's common to be in contact regularly with all of these bodily fluids.
Not only that, our anatomy is such that all the bacteria thriving on and around the vulva is subject to mingling with bacteria that migrates from our backsides, and it's quite a party. Lume works because it stops bacteria from feasting on those bodily fluids, which prevents odor from starting in the first place.

Lume Provides Lasting Odor Control
With Lume, you don't have to worry about the inconvenience of reapplying deodorant throughout the day. Princeton Consumer Research put Lume to the test, and Lume was clinically-proven to control body odor for up to 72 hours.That's practically unheard of for a deodorant! Lume might work like magic, but it's actually based in science.
Love It or Leave It: 60-Day Return Window (U.S.)
Lume is Safe For the Most Sensitive Skin
Nobody wants to experiment with deodorants that are ineffective or contain ingredients that are well-known troublemakers.
Aluminum salts are used in antiperspirants in an effort to plug sweat pores and reduce sweat. However, aluminum is not terribly effective at reducing sweat and is actually known to increase the colony count of bacteria that is responsible for odor in the first place! Aluminum is also responsible for those dreaded yellow stains on white shirts.
Baking soda is common in many deodorants that can be a problem ingredient for many because its pH is not compatible with your skin's protective acid mantle. This can cause skin irritation, discoloration, and rashes. Lume is baking soda-free and effectively controls odor without disturbing your skin's delicate pH balance.
Love It or Leave It: 60-Day Return Window (U.S.)

Other Deodorants Stink!

They're Only for Armpits
Most deodorants are only made for armpits.

They Cause Rashes
Baking soda in deodorants causes rashes.

They Only Mask the Smell
They try to cover the smell after it forms.

Say Goodbye to Lingering Odor in Clothes
You could swear that shirt was clean when you put it on, but now that you left the house and the heat is on, you aren't so sure. Why are your clothes hanging on to the past?
Antiperspirants contain aluminum combined with waxes that take up permanent residence in your clothes. Waxes combined with odors of days gone by become embedded in the fibers of your clothes and reactivate with your body heat.
Lume is water-based, so it rubs in like a lotion and washes out of clothes. It won't leave your white undershirts with yellow pit stains or leave white streaks on dark shirts, and your clothes won't betray you when the temperature rises.
Lume lets you smell like you, and your clothes smell like clothes.
Love It or Leave It: 60-Day Return Window (U.S.)
Lume's Got You Covered
Check out a few reviews from our customers:
"Going through menopause I've had a lot of changes in the way I smell down there... Nothing was helping... [Lume] works really well on private areas as well. "
– Jennifer C.
"Going through menopause my armpit odor changed overnight... This deodorant is the ONLY deodorant that completely kills the odor all day into the night… Menopause is tough enough without having to suffer through the humiliation of bad body odor. This stuff truly is a life changer and I can walk out of the house feeling comfortable in my own skin."
– Leilani
"Since menopause, I've been plagued with a very strong vaginal odor, pretty much all the time, but especially after sex. This would last for a couple of days no matter how clean I was. It was actually causing a strain on my marriage. Lume is a game changer. It works. Simple as that."
– Caryn R.
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Money Back Guarantee
If Lume isn't for you, we'll gladly refund your Deodorant within 60 days of purchase, minus return shipping.
If after a few days of using Lume you still have odor concerns, please see your doctor. Lume is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions of the vulva or vagina and should only be used externally.