Lavender Sage | Cream Tube Deodorant | + Sweat Control
The best and o.g. whole body deodorant. It smells great, non-irritating, and makes me feel clean all day long. Being a curvy girl who sweats a lot, this stuff has saved me from embarrassing sweat marks.
Lavender Sage | Cream Tube Deodorant | + Sweat Control
I really love it I keep ordering it!
Soft Powder | Cream Deodorant + Sweat Control 2-Pack
I really like the soft powder deodorant. I wish you made it in the body wash. Do you think you could do that for me?
Clean Tangerine | Cream Tube Deodorant | + Sweat Control
this stuff is amazing!
Lavender Sage | Cream Deodorant + Sweat Control 2-Pack
Love it so much 😍 . This stuff really works and smells great. I love the acidified cleansing bar. This bar is enormous.
Clean Tangerine | Cream Deodorant + Sweat Control 2-Pack
Best deodorant/antiperspirant on the market!!! I will forever use this (if I have the funds)!
Clean Tangerine | Cream Deodorant + Sweat Control 2-Pack
Wonderful product i will continue to purchase like the others and will stay with this marvelous clean smell for all products!!
Clean Tangerine | Cream Deodorant + Sweat Control 2-Pack
Love this product!!!
Clean Tangerine | Cream Tube Deodorant | + Sweat Control
I have back up on back up of these I didn't realize obviously I NEVER want to run out of this. My one constructive criticism is I wish the bottles were bigger. I only apply on shower days so ever few days but I Do use it as a all over DEO so. But 10 outta 10 on this product.been using it also on my daughter's sticky feets
Soft Powder | Cream Tube Deodorant | + Sweat Control
I purchased the solid deodorant and the cream tube deodorant in the powder scent. I have been using them for a week now and I am so thankful for them! I am 51 and have been dealing with a weirdest thing since my late 20’s. I can’t wear the same deodorant or perspirant two days in a row. I can’t even use one more than once during the week. If I do my arm pits stink to high heaven. So I have been keeping seven different deodorants/perspirants on hand, one for each day of the week, so I didn’t stink. But even doing that I would smell a little by the end of the day. I also have a lot of boob sweat. I used baby powder, but would still stink at the end of the day. I saw this and thought what do I have to lose? I am completely shocked, it WORKS! I have NO smell what so ever at the end of the day, NONE! I have sensitive skin and it does irritate my skin. I am so thankful that I found this!