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Feminine Hygiene Myths: A Tale As Old As Time

Feminine Hygiene Myths: A Tale As Old As Time

by Sarah Thomas

Misunderstandings about “vaginal” odor and the false belief that vaginas are inherently unclean have led to harmful practices like steaming and douching for centuries, and these myths are still kicking around.

The modern history of feminine hygiene has a dark story to tell that began in the late 1800s when Lysol began promoting itself as a douching agent. Yes, Lysol, the household cleaner.

Lysol ads through the 1930s preyed on women’s insecurities and blamed “feminine” odor for broken families, unhappy marriages, a lack of friends, and social shunning.

The feminine hygiene industry has profited from the shame and insecurity it instilled.

Lume Deodorant was born from Dr. Shannon Klingman’s, MD, desire for a scientifically backed solution that prioritizes body positivity and confidence rather than creating insecurities.

The Facts About Odor

Ads and feminine hygiene products have been based on the false assumption that “feminine” odor came from inside the vagina.

In truth, the odors women notice are external the vast majority of the time. The real culprit of most body odor below the belt is actually bacteria on our skin digesting bodily fluids like sweat, blood, urine, and semen.

Dr. Klingman was able to prove through clinical testing that the same odor reaction in our underarms happens EVERYWHERE on our body—pits, underboobs, tummy folds, thigh creases, vulvas, butt, feet, and more.

These are also the same odor reactions that men experience. All humans have body odor.

There is no such thing as “feminine” odor. It’s just odor.

Ditch The Harmful Practices & Narratives

You do not need suppositories, douches, or any kind of deodorizer inserted into the vagina to control odor. Vaginas are wonderous and adaptive self cleaning organs. If you have internal vaginal odor, you need to see your doctor about the possibility of BV.

You really only need one deodorant for one odor reaction. By taking the science in a whole new innovative direction, Lume Deodorant solved ALL body odor.

Odor: It’s normal. We all have it. With Lume, it's optional.

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Sarah Thomas


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